Small Groups
Eve Circle - Women's Group that meets the 3rd Thursday of the month (March - December)
The December Eve Circle Christmas meeting will be on Thursday, December 12, at the home of Mary Ann Long at 12:45. Please bring your favorite Christmas snack to share for refreshments. A fruit tray and drinks will be provided. All women are invited to come and be sure to bring a friend or a neighbor, too! |
Reading Circle - A Women's Group that meets monthly March - November. The group reads various books & discusses them.
Reading Circle will meet Tuesday, December 17, 2024 at Noon at the home of Jeanne Burt. This is our Christmas Party so we won’t have a book to discuss. Please bring a dish to share. Meat and drinks will be provided. Husbands and friends are welcome. Please let Jeanne know if you are attending so we have enough food. |
Stitch and Chatter - Meets once a week at the church to make quilts for babies, veterans, and other people found needing one.