Small Groups
Eve Circle - Women's Group that meets the 3rd Thursday of the month (March - December)
The Eve Circle will be held on Thursday, Oct. 17th at 1:00pm at the Church. The Hostess is Sarah Menefee and the program “Meeting Jesus in Europe” will be given by Peggy Balliet.
All ladies are welcome and bring a neighbor too. |
Reading Circle - A Women's Group that meets monthly March - November. The group reads various books & discusses them.
October Reading Circle will meet on October 15th at the home of Sharon Krouse at 1:00p.m.. Sharon will be our hostess and will moderate the book Mostly What God Does by Savannah Guthrie. All ladies are welcome. |
Stitch and Chatter - Meets once a week at the church to make quilts for babies, veterans, and other people found needing one.